3 pack Mechanical Seals compatible for AS 975000-981, 975000-982, 9975000-981

$ 210.00

  • S Designation 4030 AB/AI/BF; S Designation 4280 AB/AI/BF; S Designation4380 AI/BF New Design
  • Serial #99808 & After4360D AB/BF; D Designation After Serial #998074360 AB/AI/BF 1-1/2 to 3D
  • Motor Frames 143JM to 215JM4382 AI/BF New Design; All 4392 AI/BF
  • #6525 Requires 2 / #6535 Requires 3 6500; #6723 Requires 2 /#6733 Requires 3 6700
  • #4382 Frames 143JM to 215JM Requires 2 6900 DualPak IVS

Compatible with Armstrong AS-975000-982 975000-981, 975000-982, 9975000-981.  Also available in a 1 pack and a 2 pack.

Seal size: 1.25 "     Elastomer:  EPDM

Trim: Stainless steel

Carbon: Resin bonded

Seat material: Silicon Carbide

Pump construction: BF/AB/AL

Used for potable drinking water

applications Kit consists of; rotating seal head, spring holder, stationary seal seat with L-cup